website design for clinic in Jakarta


  • Client: Kirana Medica
  • Date: 10/14/2020
  • Skills: HTML, CSS, Wordpress, Adobe Photoshop
  • Demo: Live Link

Kirana Medica

One of my first clients from my early year working as a web designer is Mr Harwan Kadir from Tigdar Samudera. It was a surprise when he called me a few months ago, asking me to develop a website for maritime medical clinic managed by his wife, Mrs Herlina Harwan. It was a pleasure working for this humble couple!

Check out their website here!

Not only a simple website for their company profile, I also created a hardcopy company profile, also a simple one with clear information and CTA! Check it out!

website & company profile for clinic   website & company profile untuk klinik   website & company profile jakarta   website & company profile

momo kombucha photography services


  • Client: Momo Kombucha
  • Date: 09/16/2020
  • Skills: Photography, Adobe Photoshop, Social Media Management
  • Demo: Live Link

Momo Kombucha

Meet my new baby : Momo Kombucha! Momo Kombucha is a project I’m working on with a good friend of mine. It is a fast growing Instagram account that I have the freedom to create any posts, stories, pictures and videos as I see fit to show their image as a high quality healthy drink in Jakarta.

Here’s some of my work for them:

wan solutions website company profile design


  • Client: PT WAN Solutions
  • Date: 09/07/2020
  • Skills: HTML, CSS, Wordpress, Adobe Photoshop
  • Demo: Live Link

WAN Solutions

Providing a complete IT Solutions for specific kind of business could be challenging. WAN Solutions is one of limited number of companies, specializing in IT Integration System for any kind of business. Working on their website has been a pleasure for me since they really know what they want for the website. They provided me with every single details including colors, specific amount of space, etc. Couldn’t be more enjoyable to work with them!

Visit their website here!

Flexible Packaging Indonesia Plasindo Lestari


  • Client: Plasindo Lestari
  • Date: 04/17/2020
  • Skills: Wordpress, Adobe Photoshop, CSS, HTML
  • Demo: Live Link

Plasindo Lestari

A professional company definitely needs a professional look website. Agree?

Plasindo Lestari works in flexible packaging for food, beverages, medicines and many other stuff. They decided to create a website that represent their company in the cyber world. So here it is, don’t forget to stop by and take a look.


  • Client: HelloPJ by Patricia Jasmine
  • Date: 05/08/2019
  • Skills: Photography, Adobe Photoshop
  • Demo: Live Link

Hello PJ by Patricia Jasmine

This cute Korean formulated skincare doesn’t have a website nor landing page. It roams around Instagram and Facebook only, and using marketplace as the platform for their store. I happened to handle all their social media campaign and also doing photograph for their products.

Go ahead and follow their Instagram here!

And here’s my photograph work of  art. Sort of.



  • Client: Birdy Indonesia
  • Date: 08/01/2020
  • Skills: Wordpress, Adobe Photoshop, Woocommerce
  • Demo: Live Link

Birdy Indonesia

A website specialized in showing off complete series of spare parts for folded bike : Birdy. Owned by a well known supplier in Bukalapak that wanted to take his store to the next level with a brand new website. Educating people about accessories and spare parts as well as provide them with quality guaranteed items imported directly from its factory in Taiwan.

For now,

this website only provide information and details about the items. But it will be upgraded into an e-commerce anytime soon. Don’t forget to check out their website!


CRIETA LOGISTICS is the 2nd company profile website in logistics area that I worked on. What makes it different is that the owner has unique vision about the website. He did not want it to be just similar standard company profile, he wanted it to be different, informative and interactive so that people would actually stop and read, not just scroll through then leave.

So I proposed a website that not just using stockphotos as the illustration, but instead, using a hand-drawn picture, served as the information chart and illustration background. With a help from talented illustrator that happened to be a friend of mine, Soe the Arts I managed to finished this projects.

Now the website, equipped with Instagram and Facebook profile, serves as the digital marketing tools for Crieta Logistics and starts its purpose to not just provide information but finding leads for the company as well.

Visit the website here :

And don’t forget to visit (and follow) their Instagram and Facebook too.


public relation company profile


  • Client: E&C Public Relations
  • Date: 10/30/2017
  • Skills: HTML, PHP, CMS, Photoshop
  • Demo: Live Link

E&C, Public Relations

I love doing project with this group of young people, full with energy and enthusiasm and the right amount of positivity for a public relation agency. E&C PR website is obviously a company profile, a simple and to the point kind of website. And I was lucky to get the chance to revamp this website and get to know E&C PR team.

Visit their website here

company profile website singapore


  • Client: HiFlo+ Technologies Pte Ltd
  • Date: 2017
  • Demo: Live Link

HiFlo+, Sanitary Pipe Manufacturer

This company profile website designed for HiFlo+ Technologies Pte Ltd, located in Singapore which is affiliated with PT. Mitra Teguh Steel (Jakarta). Served as their professional company profile, this website is using a clean, minimalist and professional look as their theme.

Find out more about them at
HiFlo+ Technologies Pte Ltd, CMS, 2017

company profile website for a premium laundry service in Surabaya


  • Client: D2C Laundry & Wet Clean
  • Date: 11/10/2021
  • Skills: HTML, PHP, CMS, SEO, Wordpress
  • Demo: Live Link

D2C Laundry & Wet Clean, Premium Laundry

By creating a website with professional look and optimize the usage of Google Business Page, Google Map and also Google Adwords, D2C Laundry & Wet Clean Surabaya has climbed to the top of the food chain in the laundry and dry clean industry in Surabaya.

Designed using clean, minimalist and bright theme, this website provides complete information about premium laundry service that they offer. Its dual language feature is purposely developed to aim for local customers as well as expatriate resides in Surabaya and in need of a good laundry.

Try google them using these keywords and watch how their website always shows up on the 1st page or even on the 1st rank of Google!

laundry surabaya
dry clean surabaya
laundry jas kulit surabaya
laundry gorden surabaya
laundry baju pengantin surabaya
laundry baju pesta surabaya
laundry tas surabaya
laundry batik surabaya

Jasa Pasang Google Ads


Google Ads Management

Digital Marketing & Google Ads Management


Curious? Visit their website at
D2C Laundry & Wet Clean Surabaya, CMS 2017


I redesigned and revamped company profile website for D2C Laundry Surabaya at the end of 2021 to create more powerful, clean and simple layout to make it easier for their future customer to find what they needed : best laundry services in Surabaya.

Don’t forget to stop by and check it out!

D2C Laundry & Wet Clean Surabaya, CMS 2021

Company Profile Website for Laundry Premium Services Website Compro untuk Penyedia Jasa Laundry

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